A couple mornings ago, we used the poem "Closer" by Anis Mojgani in devotional, and since it's seemed to apply to so much of what we've talked about. Here's a link to read it, it's really beautiful. http://badilishapoetry.com/anis-mojgani/
The poem has been swirling around my head for the past few days, and it feels like a culmination of this entire experience. This year is a chance for me to come closer to so many beautiful and painful things in this world. I'll get to walk in community with my brothers and sisters in England, coming closer to God and to who I am. But I've also found it to call me to come closer to the pain of discrimination and violence. We've talked about the differences, and aggression we experience or witness towards people of color and people in the LGBTQI community. The stories people have shared have moved me to tears. I will never have to experience, or be able to fully understand the fear that I could be shot during a routine traffic stop because of the color of my skin, or have to hide my sexuality to avoid harassment. That doesn't mean I can keep these issues at an arms length and pretend they don't exist. We are called to come closer to the people of this world and fight for equality and justice. Until we can put inequality behind us, we are all bound by its shackles. At the same time, I read this poem, and remind myself of the value in my life. Sometimes it takes reading things like this to remember that. So I hope that this year will help me come closer to my place in this world.
Beautiful, Katie :) I'll be praying that God continues to pull you closer and closer to that place. -Pastor Annie